The City of Mentor’s Safety Forces Communication Center is a designated 24-hour PSAP.
A PSAP is a Public Safety Answering Point where 9-1-1 calls are received and/or dispatched. It is a facility equipped and staffed to receive emergency calls requesting police, fire, emergency medical, and other public safety services via telephone and other communication devices. Mentor’s Communication Center is a primary PSAP at which emergency calls are not only first answered and triaged, but also the point from which calls are dispatched.
9-1-1 lines are reserved for emergency calls to report a crime in progress, or fire, or request an ambulance. In essence, the normal use of 9-1-1 to access emergency services is generally reserved for those situations when the response by such services is immediately needed because of a life or death situation. In nearly every case, the caller should expect to be asked the location of the emergency, their call back number as well as the nature of the emergency. This scenario allows the telecommunications officer to confirm the information that may be displayed with the call as well as determine the appropriate priority and response needs of the caller. Using 9-1-1 for non-emergency calls may delay the arrival of help for people caught in actual life or death emergencies.
For Police / Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies, call (440) 255-1234
For Fire or medical non-life-threatening emergencies call (440)255-1212