The Cleveland Museum of Natural History (CMNH) has notified the City of Mentor that they will resume aerial spraying phragmites in the Mentor Marsh in the coming weeks as a part of their ongoing invasive species management program.

The one-day flight operation has been rescheduled to take place on

THURSDAY, September 21, 2017

This date may change due to weather conditions. We will advise of any changes.

Phragmites is an invasive wetland grass which crowded out native plants and wildlife, forming tall, dense impenetrable stands.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History began a large-scale restoration of Mentor Marsh in 2004 to help native species regain a foothold with encouraging results. Dozens of native plant species are sprouting throughout the marsh, and rare marsh birds — such as American Bittern and Virginia, King and Sora Rail — are now nesting. Fish, such as Northern Pike, are spawning, and Yellow Perch fingerlings are starting to use the marsh as a nursery.

CMNH is providing surrounding homeowners with a frequently asked questions sheet as well as a program overview sheet.

For additional information, please refer to the info sheets or contact Becky Donaldson at the Mentor Marsh Nature Center at or 440-257-0777

The City of Mentor will continue to provide residents with information as it becomes available.