The city of Mentor’s property and zoning codes are designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare by the established minimum standards that govern the maintenance, appearance and conditions of all residential and nonresidential premises that ensure the continued preservation and improvement of our community. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.

Can we keep chickens in the city of Mentor?
Yes, but only if you have two or more acres and the coop must be located at least 75 feet from the nearest home. Chicken or fowl complaints should be directed to the Mentor Police Department at (440) 255-1234.

Does the City have an ordinance for overgrown grass?
Lawns must be mowed to a height of under 8”. Property owners with excessively high grass or weeds will be given 48 hours from receipt of notice to cut the high grass or remove the weeds. If notices are ignored, legal action will be pursued for city crews to cut the grass at the owner’s expense.

My neighbor’s tree is hanging over my house and I’m concerned that it might fall and cause damage. What can I do?
If the tree is alive, you can legally trim anything from the property line “up to the sky.” We recommend discussing the situation with your neighbor to ensure the proper technique for trimming and maintaining the health of the tree. If the tree is dead or dying, contact the code enforcement office.

What about trees on the tree lawn?
Property owners are required to maintain trees on their tree lawn. Trees must be trimmed so that pedestrians and motorists can pass without obstruction. Branches that hang over the sidewalk should be kept at seven feet about the sidewalk, and 14 feet above the roadway. Branches also should not interfere with visibility of street or traffic signs. The city of Mentor has specific ordinances that property owners must follow when trimming, removing, and planting trees located in the right-of-way or on the tree lawn.

Can I park an RV in my driveway?
No, all RVs and trailers must be parked behind the front setback of the house on an improved surface of concrete or asphalt. A permit is required for any driveway expansion or pad construction. Contact the Planning and Development Department for a permit.

Is it legal for solicitors to go door to door in Mentor?
It is unlawful to solicit within the city without first obtaining a solicitor’s permit from the police department. Those who have obtained a solicitor’s permit may solicit within the city of Mentor between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. It is unlawful to solicit at any premise at which a “no solicitors” sign is displayed. “No solicitors” signs are available at the Mentor Police Department, from the receptionist desk at city hall, or can be downloaded from the ordinances page on the city website. Those with questions or concerns regarding a solicitor should call the Mentor Police Department at (440) 255-1234.

Can I burn my leaves in the fall?
Burning trash, brush, or leaves is not permitted in the city of Mentor. Small, attended campfires for cooking purposes are permitted during favorable weather conditions without prior approval. Bonfires require prior approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau by calling (440) 974-5768.

Are my neighbors allowed to park their vehicles in the front yard?
No, all vehicles must be licensed and parked on an improved surface of concrete or asphalt. Existing gravel surfaces are acceptable, but gravel parking surfaces cannot be expanded.

My neighbor leaves their trash bins and yard waste at the curb four days before our regular trash pickup? Is that okay?
No. Trash receptacles and yard waste should not be placed at the curb before 3 p.m. the day before pickup. Receptacles should be removed from the curb no later than 7 a.m. the day after trash pickup.

Can I put a garage sale sign at the end of my street?
No. Garage sale signs are only permitted on the property where the sale is taking place. Signs that are illegally posted in the right of way (tree lawn, public property, or off site), may be confiscated and disposed of by city staff. We recommend using the various online garage sale advertising tools available.

Do I need a permit to install a fence?
A permit is required if you are planning on installing, altering, or relocating a fence. Fences in the rear yard may not exceed six feet in height. Fences in the front yard or on a corner facing a side street may not exceed three feet in height and must be decorative.

Contact the Planning and Development Department at (440) 974-5740. If you have any questions regarding these other ordinance issues, please contact the Mentor Code Enforcement hotline at (440) 974-5792 or email

Originally published 2022 Mentor City Magazine.