Open Burning
Burning trash, brush, or leaves is not permitted in the City of Mentor. Small, attended campfires for cooking purposes are permitted during favorable weather conditions without prior approval. Bonfires require prior approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau by calling (440) 974-5768.

Power Outage – Who do I Call?
If your power goes out call the Illuminating Company’s Automated Outage Reporting Line at (888) 544-4877. Doing so will allow the Illuminating Company to restore service that much quicker. Please do NOT call 911. Only call 911 to report a crime in progress, or a fire, or if an ambulance is needed.

Deer Season
2021/2022 Deer Bow Hunter Permit Applications are available at the Mentor Municipal Center, or download at Hunting is only permitted on properties where the owner has granted permission. An archery proficiency test form must be returned with your application.

RV’s, Boats and Trailers
RV’s, boats and trailers of any kind may not be parked in front of the main structure (home). A minimum three-foot set back is required from side property lines. On corner lots, no RV, boat or trailer parking is permitted between the right-of-way and side of the main structure. Parking must be on an improved surface of concrete, asphalt or permeable pavers and a permit is required for any type of driveway construction or expansion.

Dead Animal or Debris in Road
If you notice a dead animal or debris in the road please let the City know. Weekdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., call the Public Works Department at (440) 974-5781. Call the Police Department at (440) 255-1234 at all other times.

Help Us Help You
House numbers must be displayed in a conspicuous location for efficient police, fire and postal services. Numbers no less than four inches tall are to be displayed on houses less than 61 feet from the road right-of-way. Numbers at least six inches tall are to be displayed on houses located between 61 feet to 100 feet from the road right-of-way.

Slow Down in School Zones
Students are back in the classroom, and motorists need to exercise more caution when driving, especially in school zones. The Mentor Police Department reminds motorists to observe speed limits in school zones. The speed limit of 20 mph during the times school zones are active will be strictly enforced. Slow down, and do your part to help keep Mentor students safe.