The holidays are almost here and with that come family gatherings and rich meals laden with gravies, butter and sauces.

Lake County Department of Utilities sees an increased number of sanitary sewer backups this time of year as the result of FOG (fats, oils, and greases).

Although these substances are in liquid form when warm, they quickly harden once mixed with cold water. Once it’s down the drain doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone. The hardened FOG can build up, causing unwanted clogs.

So, instead of putting it in the sink, they recommend that you let FOGs cool and harden, and then disposed of in your trash. Other left over food scraps including ground-up particles like coffee grounds, egg shells, potato peels, and pasta, can also cause clogs and are better off placed in the trash as they do not break down in water.

It’s important to know that the private lateral (the part of the drainage network between your home and the public sewer main), is the responsibility of the homeowner. Following these simple tips can help save on expensive repairs down the road.

For questions or additional information, contact the Lake County Department of Utilities at (440) 350-2645 or visit