Winter Sowing with Meg Shay

Keep your green thumb in shape and get a jump start on your garden with winter sowing. This innovative outdoor seed starting technique has gained popularity among those seeking a simple yet effective way to boost their bounty.

Unlike traditional indoor seed starting, winter sowing takes advantage of the freeze-thaw cycle that seeds often require for germination.

Gardeners sow seeds in containers – typically recycled milk jugs or similar translucent containers – and place them outdoors during the winter months. The containers act as mini-greenhouses, providing protection from harsh weather while allowing sunlight to penetrate and create a conducive microclimate for seed development.

It is cost-effective and environmentally friendly as it minimizes the need for artificial heat and light sources.

Want to learn more? Watch Lake County Master Gardener Meg Shay talk about winter sowing in our area by clicking the video below.