Residential and nonresidential property owners are required to maintain the exterior of their premises so that the appearance of their property does not negatively impact the immediate neighborhood. The premises, including drainage facilities, must be maintained in good repair and appearance in compliance with City Ordinances. Building owners and/or occupants are responsible for maintaining the premises in a clean, sanitary condition and in good repair.
Grass and Weed Control
Lawns and landscaping should be maintained so as not to cause a negative effect on the neighborhood. Generally, grass in residential neighborhoods must be controlled in height or growth (under 8″). Noxious weeds (ragweed, thistles, poison ivy, poison oak, phragmites and other plants capable of causing skin reactions upon contact or producing severe allergic respiratory reactions) are not permitted to grow within 50 ft. of any occupied dwelling. No owner or occupant of any premises shall permit vegetation to create a safety hazard. Property owners with excessively high grass or weeds will be given 48 hours from receipt of notice to cut the high grass or remove the weeds. If notices are ignored, legal action will be pursued for City crews to cut the grass at the owner’s expense. Call (440) 974-5740 with questions.
Generally speaking, the following rules apply to garage sale signs, political signs, contractor signs, or any type of advertising signs.
- Signs may not be posted in any public right of way (i.e., Tree lawn or adjacent to any road or sidewalk), or on any City property.
- Signs may not be attached to any public utility poles, traffic control devices (sign posts or light poles), rocks, trees, or other vegetation.
- No off-site signage of any kind is allowed (i.e., directional real estate signs, garage sale signs on street corners, etc.)
- Attachments such as balloons or lights, are not allowed.
- Signs may not be larger than 15 square feet in size.
Any signs found to be in violation of this section will be seized as contraband and removed immediately upon their discovery by any duly acting City officer and disposed of as litter in accordance with Section 521.08 of the Codified Ordinances.
For further information regarding the City of Mentor Sign Code, or ordinances regarding signs for commercial properties, please visit City Ordinances,Chapter 1171.
RV’-s, Boats and Trailers
RV’-s, boats and trailers of any kind may not be parked in front of the main structure. A minimum three-foot set back is required from side property lines. On corner lots, no RV, boat or trailer parking is permitted between the right-of-way and side of the main structure. Parking must be on an improved surface of concrete, asphalt or permeable pavers and a permit is required for any type of driveway construction or expansion.
Commercial Vehicles
No more than one commercial vehicle per dwelling unit may be parked on a residential property. No vehicle having a net total weight of greater than 10,000 lbs. shall be parked on a residential property. Parking must be on an improved surface of concrete, asphalt or permeable pavers. No construction equipment or vehicle (including, but not limited to backhoes, bulldozers, trenchers) shall be parked in residential districts for more than 30 days.
Dead Trees/Branches: Property owners are responsible for cutting down any dead trees or branches that would cause a hazard to a dwelling, sidewalk/pedestrians, roadways or to an adjacent property. Please note: If the dead tree is on a tree lawn tree, you are required to obtain a permit from Public Works for approval to remove it.
Trees on Right-of-Way/Tree Lawn: Property owners are required to maintain trees within the public right-of-way, or tree lawn area. Trees must be trimmed so that pedestrians and motorists can pass without obstruction. Branches that hang over the sidewalk must be maintained at a height of no less than seven feet above the sidewalk, and 14 feet above the roadway. Branches also should not interfere with the visibility of street or traffic signs.