UPDATED 9/9/22
The Lake County General Health District (LCGHD) conducts mosquito treatment in most of the municipalities in Lake County that are densely populated. Treatment reduces the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and provides for a more comfortable summer environment.
Since mosquitoes may be infected with both La Crosse and St. Louis Encephalitis Virus, and human cases with this disease have been identified in the Health District in the past, mosquitoes can be considered a public health nuisance. The public health significance of mosquitoes has been amplified by the recent spread of the West Nile Virus.
The Health District is licensed through the Ohio Department of Agriculture to apply pesticides for the purpose of mosquito control.
Monday 9/12/22
- Mentor 1A & 1B (Eastern portion of Mentor)
Tuesday 9/13/22
- Eastlake 8A & 8B
Wednesday 9/14/22
- Mentor 2A & 2B (Western portion of Mentor)
Thursday 9/15/22
- Willoughby 7A & 7B
Please note that the schedule can change at any time. Please call the Mosquito Hotline at (440) 350-2088 or visit https://www.lcghd.org/mosquito-control/ for an up-to-date schedule.