Asphalt Repaving in Mentor, Ohio

745 public streets stretch approximately 245 miles throughout the city of Mentor and it’s the responsibility of the Building & Engineering Department to oversee every inch.

There is a formula to how and when a road will be repaired or replaced. Projects are planned years in advance and the availability of state grant funding plays a key role in what may or may not land on the schedule.

Over the past decade, we have been able to secure tens-of-millions of dollars in state funding for major roadway projects including the repaving of SR-306, SR-615, SR-84, and Heisley Road, as well as the multi-year Mentor Headlands Road Rehabilitation program which also included the improvement of storm and sanitary sewers and water lines.

Keeping our roads in top condition is a priority in our city and we’re pleased to announce the projects which will be underway in 2025.

Our annual street repair program is dedicated to improving neighborhood streets throughout the city. Mentor streets are evaluated every other year based on a standard formula developed by ODOT. A pavement condition rating is assigned to each street based on that formula. Each year, streets in two of Mentor’s four wards are evaluated. Streets are then prioritized based on these ratings, as well as available funding, so that street repairs are equally divided between all four wards.

Approximately 30 streets are designated for repair each year. In 2025, the city of Mentor will invest roughly $1.8 million local dollars in resurfacing and repairing 18 asphalt and 12 concrete neighborhood streets. They include:

Beaver Creek Dr., Bernard Dr., Biltmore Rd., Bryson Dr., Campbell Rd., Colony Ct., Curtiss Ct., Foothill Rd., Forestview Ave., Haversford Dr., Homewood Dr., Kayne Dr., Little Mountain Rd., Sharonlee Dr., South Shandle Blvd., Tall Oaks Dr., Edward St., and Rosewood Ln.

Bishop Ct., Center St., Cornwall Ct., Fillmore Ct., Garden Ln., Heisley Rd., Justin Way, Katherine Ct., Kellogg Creek Dr., Leah Ct., and Snowberry Ct.

This ODOT project is currently underway and includes the milling, repair and resurfacing of SR-44 (Heisley Rd.) from SR-2 to the City of Mentor corporation line just north of SR-283 (Lakeshore Blvd.).  The total investment of this project is approximately $1,000,000 and is 100% funded through ODOT.

Lakeshore Boulevard (SR-283) will be milled and paved between Andrews Road and the City of Mentor west corporation line. The total investment on this project amounts to approximately $1,700,000 with $720,000 being provided by the Ohio Department of Transportation.

Corduroy Road will be milled and resurfaced from the south end of the causeway to Garden Lane. The total investment in this project amounts to $491,000 of which half will be covered by Ohio Public Works Commission funding.

This project will remove and replace concrete pavement on Mercantile Drive between Hamilton Drive and the new Mercantile Drive extension which is . The total investment in the project amounts to $940,000 of which $400,000 will be covered by Ohio Public Works Commission funding.

Hoose Road will be milled and resurfaced with asphalt from King Memorial Road to the Concord Township line to the east. This project also includes the replacement of concrete pavement on Cannon Ridge Drive from Hoose Road to Brayes Manor Drive. The total investment in this project is $668,000 of which $300,000 is covered by Ohio Public Works Commission funding.

If you have questions regarding these or any other infrastructure improvement projects, contact the Building & Engineering Department at