URS Corporation field crews will be conducting dye testing as part of a larger investigation project to remediate water in basement problems in the City of Mentor. The purpose of the testing is to identify potential sources of rainwater entering the sanitary sewer on both public and private property. Testing will be done in several areas as a pilot program to assist engineers with the causes of flooding. This data will be used to identify solutions, make recommendations and provide alternatives for the City and Lake County.

The dye testing will be done in two phases. Mainline Dye Testing will test storm sewers and catch basins. Residential Dye Testing will test select homes by adding water to their downspouts, low lying areas, driveway cracks, and area drains.

Work will start during the week of August 25, 2014 and will last for several weeks in the following areas:

  • Palmerston near Bellflower
  • Weatherby near Cranberry
  • Taft near Jasani
  • Churchill toward Reynolds

These areas were selected based on flow monitoring which was completed this summer, flooding complaints received and the age of sewers to represent the type of flooding experienced during wet weather events. Field crews will distribute door hangers to properties approximately 5 calendar days prior to the start of the testing and crews will also notify the resident upon arrival that the test will commence. Residents will be asked not use any water during the test (approximately 30 minutes). No entry of the house is planned for the testing. The dye being used is non-toxic and will typically be bright green, red, or blue in color.

Questions concerning the dye testing process can be directed to Scott Belz of URS Corporation at 216-622-2400.