Traffic Safety Starts With You

Mentor city streets are patrolled by Mentor Police officers 24/7, but with over 250 miles of roadway, it’s clear that officers can’t be everywhere at once.

Residents are reminded that traffic safety starts with you.  Be mindful of existing traffic conditions, drive defensively, and try to anticipate potential hazards. But the best thing you can do is to simply observe the posted speed limit.  Even just a few miles over the speed limit can make a huge difference in braking distance, and potential tragedy.

Consider this:  In good conditions, it takes the average driver 85 feet to come to a complete stop when traveling at 25 MPH. At 35 MPH, that distance increases to 136 feet, and at 45 MPH, it increases to 196 feet.

In many areas of the city, that’s the distance between 4 driveways.

Speed limits are calculated and posted for a reason. Mentor Police monitor speeders in the interest of public safety, particularly in targeted enforcement areas including school zones and neighborhoods.

In order to reinforce driver behavior in these most sensitive speed control areas, the Police Department has undertaken a more rigorous approach to controlling speeding in our neighborhoods. Residents can expect more frequent traffic enforcement closer to home.

If you are caught speeding, you may be ticketed, and depending on the infraction, you can lose your license as well.

Take your time and drive safely. The few minutes you save could save a life instead.