Recyclable items are collected every other week for Mentor residents with curbside service through Waste Management.

The easiest way to know if an item is recyclable is to look for the recycling logo. Items which can be recycled include plastic bottles and containers, glass bottles and containers, food and beverage cans and cartons, paper which is free of glue, glitter, and/or crayons, and flattened cardboard and paperboard. No pizza boxes please as the grease and cheese can become caught in the machinery.

Please remember to rinse your plastic, glass, cans, and cartons. Clean off any residual food before placing it in the container.

Wishcycling is putting something in the recycling bin and hoping it will be recycled…and it can actually be harmful because it can contaminate the waste stream. This can include items like plastic bags, styrofoam, greasy pizza boxes, garden hoses, and even shredded paper!

The wrong item in the recycling bin can seem like a trivial detail but it really can mean that an entire batch ends up in a landfill instead of being re-purposed. Help us ensure that these materials see a second life by recycling smart….but if in doubt, throw it out.

You can always drop off old clothes and household items at area Salvation Army or Goodwill locations where they have the opportunity to be reused and kept out of the landfill.

Under the new contract agreement between the City of Mentor and Waste Management, residents that participate in the curbside waste and recycling collection program may now opt for a larger recycling container for the same cost as the smaller, current bin. This container is approximately the same size as the garbage container and will still be collected every other week. Residents interested in switching to a larger recycling container should contact Waste Management directly at (866) 797-9018.

Condominium and apartment dwellers can drop off recyclable items at the Lake County Landfill & Recycling Center located at 2039 Blase Nemeth Road in Painesville Twp. Hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. All vehicles must be inspected for hazardous materials and check-in at the scale house. For additional information, call (440) 350-2644.

For more information, visit the Waste Removal & Recycling page.