Press Releases

Mentor Police Target Impaired Drivers

The Mentor Police Department encourages all drivers to be safe while driving over the Homecoming weekend. We would like to remind drivers, especially young drivers, that drinking and driving can result in property damage, serious injury, or even death. Therefore, the Mentor Police Department will be targeting impaired driving during […]

2016-04-27T13:45:36-04:00September 24th, 2014|News, Police, Press Releases|


With the arrival of cooler temperatures, it will soon be time to turn on your furnace. The Mentor Fire Department wants to remind residents of the importance of having a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Often called the silent killer, carbon monoxide (CO) is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas created when fuels (such […]

2016-04-27T13:46:21-04:00September 22nd, 2014|Fire, News, Police, Press Releases|

Lake County / City of Mentor Integrated Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Study

URS Corporation field crews will be conducting dye testing as part of a larger investigation project to remediate water in basement problems in the City of Mentor. The purpose of the testing is to identify potential sources of rainwater entering the sanitary sewer on both public and private property. Testing […]

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