Recently, Mentor City Council amended the Code of Ordinances to include stricter penalties for blowing grass clippings, leaves, and limbs, in the street.

Mentor Code of Ordinances Chapter 311, section 311.01
“No person shall deposit, place, or blow onto any roadway or bike path or multipurpose path, or cause or permit to be deposited, placed, or blown onto any roadway or bike path or multipurpose path, grass, leaves, weeds, limbs, trimmings or other yard waste.”

These materials create a safety hazard for motorcycles, bicycles, and people walking or jogging on streets and walking/bike paths. Because of their high moisture content, clippings tend to be extremely slippery and can cause accidents.

Grass and leaves in the street can also wash into storm drains, potentially clogging them and causing the street or nearby properties to flood. Storm sewers flow untreated into local waterways and eventually Lake Erie.  Clippings and yard waste add unnecessary nutrients to these waterways resulting in algae growth and/or reduced oxygen levels…and can harm to aquatic life.

Homeowners and landscapers are reminded to always clean up clippings, leaves, or other debris that is inadvertently blown into the street. Let’s keep our roads and bike/walking paths safe for everyone.

First-time violators could be charged with a minor misdemeanor and penalties may increase for repeat offenders.