In early 2023, the City of Mentor established the need to conduct a study to evaluate Mentor’s housing market and identify gaps in our existing housing stock.

As a community, we recognize the importance of prioritizing housing for retaining and attracting residents and businesses.

Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. was hired in August 2023 to prepare a Housing Study & Needs Analysis with the assistance and support of Mentor City Council and members of the City’s Administration.  In addition to analyzing Mentor’s current housing conditions, the goal of the study was to strategize future housing opportunities while protecting existing property values.

The project began in September 2023 with the creation of a resident survey as well as stakeholder interviews which allowed Stantec to engage with the community, and grasp Mentor’s true housing concerns and objectives.  From that point, Stantec went into a “deep dive” evaluating Mentor’s housing inventory, demographics, and current economic conditions, to better identify the gaps in the city’s housing market and formulate specific strategies for the city to consider.

The outcomes of the study are intended to guide the city’s housing development policies, striking a balance between future growth, and retaining the desired character of the Mentor community.

The Executive Summary in the report’s Introduction provides an overview of this extensive analysis and highlights the key takeaways of the study.  The results of the resident survey can be found in the Appendix.

The Planning Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Mentor Zoning Code.  The purpose of the code is to protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare of the city by regulating the use of buildings and land.   The Planning Department is often the first step in “planning” your development projects and obtaining proper permits. Learn more.