The Lake County Council on Aging delivers nutritious hot meals to seniors in the Eastlake, Wickliffe, Painesville, Madison and Mentor areas at 10:30 am Monday through Friday. Volunteers are generous individuals who make the hot meal a reality for seniors in our community.

We are looking for volunteers who can dedicate at least one day per week or every other week from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm approximately.  If you are unable to make a regular commitment, you can still volunteer as a dedicated substitute MOW driver.  Substitute MOW drivers serve intermittently, when they are available.

The demand for Meals on Wheels service has been increasing each year as it continues to meet a critical need for many Lake County seniors.  The Council on Aging is looking for four (4) drivers to deliver in the Eastlake area; two (2) drivers to deliver in the Wickliffe area; two (2) drivers for Mentor; and one (1) volunteer driver in Painesville and one (1) driver in the Madison area.  Almost every location needs another driver on Friday.  Friday is a busy day for drivers due to the delivery of Saturday and Sunday meals along with Friday’s meal.

In less than 2 hours per week, you can positively impact the life of 15 seniors by delivering a hot meal with a friendly smile and a few nice words while checking in on the well-being of the client.  It is one of the most rewarding volunteer activities available.

Please call Linda Llewellyn at the Council on Aging at 440-205-8111, ext. 228 or email for more information and to begin making a difference in the lives of seniors.