Scam Warning from the Mentor Police Department.Scams targeting seniors continue to be on the rise with Mentor detectives receiving an average of two to three reports per week, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg. According to the Federal Trade Commission, older Americans reported losing more than $1.9 billion to fraud in 2023, but since most fraud isn’t reported, the actual figure could be as high as $61.5 billion.

Scammers are bolder and more sophisticated than ever, impersonating authority figures like government agents, bank officers, or even law enforcement…and they can be very convincing. They prey on trust and your good nature.  They start small, then quickly escalate demands, using coercion to pressure victims, knowing time is critical with each target.

The easiest way to avoid getting scammed is just hanging up. If something doesn’t sound right, it isn’t. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. The biggest giveaway is when the scammer tells you that you need to act RIGHT NOW or something bad will happen.

Protect yourself against scammers by just hanging up. If in doubt, get a trusted friend or relative involved or the call the Mentor Police Department at 440-255-1234.