Beagle puppy close-up shootIn case you missed it, Mentor City Council recently adopted changes to the General Offenses Code to strengthen the animal welfare ordinance.  As a result of those amendments, no owner of a domestic animal shall knowingly put that animal in harm’s way.

This includes:

  • Keeping them in an unsanitary environment
  • Failing to provide clean drinking water and sufficient food, located to avoid contamination
  • Failing to provide sanitary, size-appropriate shelter and protection from the elements if the animal is housed outside
  • Tethering an animal outdoors, without shelter, for more than 8 consecutive hours in a 24 hour period
  • Keeping an animal outdoors without shelter if a heat or cold advisory has been issued
  • Using a tether that is less than 15 feet in length, allows the animal to cross property lines or is attached by an unsafe or ill-fitting collar
  • Confining an animal in a motor vehicle under conditions that could endanger their health

An animal control officer, animal cruelty investigator, law enforcement officer, firefighter or rescue squad worker who believes that the health and safety of an animal is threatened due to owner’s neglect of any of the above instances may bring about a complaint and take necessary action to ensure the well-being of the animal, up to and including entering a motor vehicle by practical means after making a reasonable effort to locate the owner or person responsible for the animal.

Violation of any section of the ordinance could result in charges against the owner.

If you have a question regarding the ordinance, contact the City at (440) 205-1100.