By Bethany Walton

Fourth, fifth and sixth graders from All Saints School recently payed their respects to veterans in a different way. These compassionate students, with the help of their school, cleaned headstones of late veterans at Mentor Cemetery.

Students and staff believed that this action to clean up the cemetery was much needed because it was the least they can do for people who gave their lives up for the freedom of our country.

Not only did the staff appreciate what the students were doing but the students had a few words to say as well.

Sophie, a student from All Saints School, offered this advice, “Everyone should try and help the veterans because they do so much for us and it is the least we can do to clean their gravestones.”

Reaction and atmosphere from this event touched the hearts of some of the local veterans including Dave Niepokny, commander of the Mentor VFW post.

It was great to see the younger generation getting out and helping the community.