As warm weather approaches, we’ll soon find ourselves performing a variety projects around our homes. The Mentor Fire Department would like you to follow some safety guidelines assuring a safe and happy spring.
When performing deep cleaning around the home, don’t forget your dryer vent. Lint buildup can easily ignite, so make sure the vent is properly protected from birds and other animals looking for a new summer home.
Cleaning up yard debris around the perimitetr of your home can help prevent the spread of brush fires as well as infestation by mice and other critters.
When performing home repairs, be sure to use protective equipment such as safety goggles, dust masks, and gloves. If using a contractor, make sure they are reputable and certified by the city to perform work. Unprofessional home repairs are a common cause of residential fires!
Finally, follow proper safety precautions when using or storing flammable liquids. Gasoline for yard equipment should be stored in a proper container free of damage and with spout covers in place. Oil-based products can result in spontaneous combustion if rags and brushes are not cleaned, stored, or disposed of properly. Never discard oil-soaked rags into a garbage can. They should be cleaned or allowed to hang dry before doing so.
These are just a few tips to follow to have a safe and happy spring and that can ultimately affect the quality of your summer as well!