The Thinker Cleveland Museum of ArtThe Realty Investment Company was the largest holder of downtown Cleveland real estate at the turn of the 20th century. Like many prominent Cleveland businessmen of the time, company president Ralph King owned an estate in Lake County. It was located at the end of Little Mountain Road and was known as “the Pinery”.

In addition to his business dealings, King was a renowned philanthropist who served as a trustee of the Western Reserve University and the Western Reserve Historical Society. More notably, he also served as vice president of the Cleveland Museum of Art as well as a major supporter.  In fact, he and his wife donated 870 items to the museum including Rodin’s “Thinker”.

King passed away in 1926, but area residents are still reminded of his legacy. In appreciation of his profound impact on the community, Lake and Geauga County officials honored him in 1928 with the renaming of Blish Road to King Highway. Today, it is known as King Memorial Road.