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City of Mentor’s September 2022 Unemployment Rate decreases to 3.9%
The unemployment rate in September 2022 for the City of Mentor decreased 0.1% to 3.9% and one year ago, the unemployment rate was 3.7%. For Lake County, the unemployment rate decreased 0.1% to 3.9% in [...]
Mentor Names Fowler Assistant City Manager
The city of Mentor is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert M. Fowler to the position of Assistant City Manager. Fowler brings extensive experience in economic and community development, public safety, municipal operations, finance, [...]
Brooksdale Road Paving Rescheduled – UPDATE
Affected residents are advised that due to the significant rainfall we have experienced during the last few days, grading and paving of Brooksdale Road has been delayed. As of today (Friday, October 21, 2022), paving [...]
Mentor Marsh Coastal Restoration Project FAQs
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is currently engaged in the Mentor Marsh Coastal Restoration Project which includes the eradication of invasive Phragmites (common reed grass) and the re-establishment of native species. Here are answers [...]
LEGAL NOTICE: 2022 Gas Dock Design and Build Package at the Mentor Marina
The CITY OF MENTOR will receive sealed bids at the Purchasing Office, 2nd Floor, 8500 Civic Center Blvd., Mentor, Ohio 44060, until NOON (local time) on Friday, November 4, 2022 and will be opened and [...]